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Hi, John Oszajca here. I’m a musician and the founder of Music Marketing Manifesto.

I’m going to show you how you can grow your fan base – every day – and generate money from your music, without ever leaving your living room.

Let me start by throwing a really simple question out there…

What is the difference between your average struggling independent artist, and every rock star on earth?

Simply put… they’ve got an audience.

Now I know you’re probably thinking… Ummm, no kidding John. Tell me something I don’t know…

But here’s the thing…

Most of you are out their hustling, trying to get your music in front of as many people as possible. But there is a LOT of contradictory advice out there. One person has you focusing on streaming, while another has you focusing on sales. One person tells you Instagram is where it’s at, another says it’s all about Facebook.

There are different strategies for Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube, and Bandcamp. There is email marketing, social media, video marketing, paid traffic, free traffic, SEO… and the list goes on, and on, and on…

And that’s before we even pick up our instruments…

Frankly… It’s overwhelming.

…and it’s not why you became a musician.

So, I’m gong to make your life a whole lot easier and tell you a simple truth…

…Financial success as a musician, boils down to two simple steps…

  • Build an audience.
  • Monetize your relationship with that audience.

Everything else is just noise.

What does that mean in practical terms?

It means that if you can build a mailing list – and to a lesser extent, a social media following – of people that like your music, and, if you can develop a relationship, with those people…

…then all you need to do is ask them to spend a little bit of money on your music, a few times each year.

You can do this by way of selling albums, box sets, tickets to shows, house concerts, crowdfunding campaigns, subscription programs like Patreon (or your own membership site), and of course, the list goes on.

But if you can build an audience, then there is no question that you can monetize your relationship with that audience.

…and there is no better way of building that audience, than with Facebook Advertising.

Facebook advertising is simply the easiest, and most effective way of getting your music in front of people that are likely to connect with it.

There are over 2 Billion people on Facebook, and there is no question, their targeting capabilities are exceptional.

You can drill down by interests, behavior, demographics, connections, age ranges, languages, locations, and more, and, you can layer these options upon each other to ensure that you’re not wasting money on people that are not likely to be interested in your kind of music.

Moreover, Facebook advertising is simple, affordable, and fast.

And many of the new features that have been rolled out over the last few months make the process so simple that anyone can do it.

Good music, and a properly set up Facebook ad campaign means…

That you no longer need to go out and beg for fans… Check!

That there is no need to tour for years on end… Check!

And that there is no need to spend hours on tedious Social Media tasks… Check!

Facebook advertising means that you can have new fans coming to you. Each and every day…

So, just how effective is Facebook advertising?

Well, here are a few quotes from artists I have worked with in the past…

“John Oszajca was the digital sales and marketing director for my latest album “Love Wins Again”. The album debuted at #5 on Billboard’s Blues Chart, with a #1 album AND single at Blues Radio. Today I learned that the album has been nominated for a GRAMMY! Facebook advertising played a huge role in the album’s success and I couldn’t have done it without John’s help” – Janiva Magness

Or how about this?

“We’ll spend between $1.00 and $1.70 to acquire a subscriber, and our return on each subscriber – averaged out over time – has been $2.95.” – Xerxes Horde from the New Jacobin


A little simple math shows that the New Jacobin Club is sometimes more than doubling their investment with Facebook advertising, and needless to say, it doesn’t get much more legit than a Grammy nomination.

And if you’re worried that you can’t afford Facebook advertising, then take a look at this screenshot from one of my campaigns. This is a “traffic” campaign in which I was able to pull in clicks for as little as just 3 cents!

I don’t want to suggest that it’s always this easy, because its not, but this does illustrate just how affordable ads can be. Because for as little as 3 cents (in this example) you may be able to get your music  in front of laser targeted music fans that we know, like the kind of music that you make.

But let’s also keep things real…

Not every campaign is going to bring in clicks for just .03 cents. Prices can vary a LOT depending on your targeting, how engaging your ads are, and what types of ads you’re running. And to be clear, anytime you are engaging in advertising there are risks. By no means can I guarantee that your results will be the same as mine. Like anything, paid advertising takes some trial and error and some skill development, and anytime you spend money on advertising, there are risks of loss.

But I hope you’re starting to see just how powerful Facebook advertising can be when compared to many of the traditional methods (touring/radio/press) that musicians use to get their music in front of people.

Furthermore, I honestly believe that paid advertising is the End Game for any independent musician. It needs to be part of your strategy.

It gives you the power and ability to get your music in front of a global audience, almost instantly, and frees you from the “Touring Trap” that so many career artists find themselves stuck in.


If you can see how Facebook advertising can potentially help your music career, and you’d like to learn more about how to set up your own effective campaigns to grow your fan base, then…

I’d like to invite you to join me for the Music Ads Workshop 3.0.

The Music Ads Workshop 3.0 will be held in an interactive members area. This means that you don’t have to travel or physically be there. Nor do you have to wait for anything to be shipped.

You just register via the link below and you’ll receive instant access to over 5 hours of detailed training videos…

I have been advertising on Facebook for nearly 10 years, and I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising over that time. I’ve taken all of that experience and shared it in this program.

Inside of the Music Ads Workshop 3.0 Members Area you’ll learn…

  • How to target your ideal fan so you’re not throwing money away on people that are not likely to ever care about your music in the first place.You’ll learn what kinds of landing pages and offers you should be promoting to insure you get the most return on the money you spend.
  • I’ll show you how to create powerful ads that get you clicks and conversions for the best price possible.
  • I’ll show you a few hard-won advertising secrets that can turn someone with zero writing skills, into a winning copywriter.
  • I’ll walk you through the bewildering world of pixels, conversion goals, custom audiences, bidding strategies and budgeting, so that you don’t make common mistakes that can cost you money.
  • I’ll show you how to create conversion ads, traffic ads, video ads, funnel support ads, how to get more likes, promote a post, and retarget your audience to keep them engaged.
    You’ll learn how to manage your campaigns when their running, and how to refine them to bring your prices down.
  • I’ll show you how to troubleshoot your ads when things aren’t working well, so you can turn a losing campaign into a winner.
  • When you’re ready, I’ll show you how to scale up those campaigns without killing their performance.
  • I’ll let you watch over my shoulder as I set up actual campaigns and share my real-world results. Just do what I do, and you’ll be set.
  • And much, much more…

All of this cutting edge training will be available to you instantly, once you register via the link below.

So, now of course comes the big question…

How much will it cost me to register for the Music Ads Workshop 3.0?

Well, as you’ve probably noticed, most similar training programs in the music marketing space start around $500 and go up from there.
And to be honest, it’s understandable. Programs like these take months to create, and hundreds of customer support hours go into these products.

But like most of you, I’m a musician. I know how tight budgets can be, and I wanted this to be something that every musician could afford, and so, I’ve decided to make Music Ads Workshop 3.0 available…

…for just $197

That’s just $197 to get access to the same advertising strategies that I have used to help numerous clients climb to the top of various Billboard, iTunes, Amazon, and CD Baby Sales Charts.

My Promise To You…

Despite the low price compared to other similar programs on the market, I know this is a big decision for some of you. So for what it’s worth, I want you to rest assured that I back up this program 100%.

If for any reason you are unhappy, or the Music Ads Workshop is simply not what you expected, you are completely covered by a 30 day, money back guarantee.

Just email me via the contact link on every page of the site and you’ll get a 100% refund, no questions asked.


So if you’d like to spend some time with me in the Music Ads Workshop 3.0 members area, where I’ll show you everything I know about using Facebook advertising to successfully market independent music, simply click the order button below and you will be taken to a secure order page. Music Ads Workshop 3.0 is offered within an interactive members area. The training material consists of over 30 videos, and an interactive members area where you can ask questions along the way and get direct assistance from me and my team. Once you have made your purchase, you will automatically be directed to the registration page. After creating your account you will receive instant access to everything.


Well, that’s about it for now. Before I go, I just want to leave you with one final thought…

Most musicians have spent tens, in some cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars on their careers, when you start adding up recording and manufacturing costs, equipment, and money spent on touring. Many of those same musicians have spent very little on growing their fan base.

If success boils down to building an audience, so that you can monetize your relationship with that audience…

…How much is an audience worth to you?

If you have any questions about how Music Ads Workshop 3.0 can help you grow your audience, there is an FAQ, as well as a contact link, a little further down on this page. Feel free to shoot me an email if there is anything that I can help with at all.

Once more, thanks again for taking the time to watch this video, and hopefully I’ll be seeing you on the inside.

Now go kick ass!

Musician and Author
Music Marketing Manifesto

Click Here To Register For Music Ads Workshop 3.0 Today!
Order Now While Still Available!



Just what exactly is the Music Ads Workshop 3.0?

The Music Ads Workshop 3.0 is an online course, in which I’ll teach you how to use Facebook advertising to drive traffic and grow your fan base, with a specific focus of generating profit. It includes more than 5 hours of training lessons and the content is hosted inside of an interactive members area where you can ask questions as you go through the material.

How is Music Ads Workshop 3.0 Different From Earlier Versions of Music Ads Workshop?

There is no two ways about it… The Facebook Ad Platform changes often. The Ad Strategies I’m using now, are not the same ad strategies that I was using two years ago. But with these changes come new opportunities. Music Ads Workshop 3.0 has been designed to reflect these changes, share these opportunities, and let you in on everything that I am doing RIGHT NOW when it comes to Facebook ads.

How much does the Music Ads Workshop 3.0 cost?

Access to Music Ads Workshop 3.0 will cost just $197.

When will the workshop take place?

The Music Ads Workshop is NOT a live workshop. All of the material is posted online in an interactive members area. You get instant access to all of the training lessons as soon as you order and create your username and password.

How long will I have to go through the material?

The content will be posted in the members area indefinitely so you are able to go at your own pace. I guarantee that you will have access to the members area for a minimum of one year, but it will likely be up much longer.

How is this different than what I learned in Music Marketing Manifesto and/or the Insider Circle?

Music Marketing Manifesto, The Insider Circle, and Music Ads Workshop are all completely different products. Each one focuses on different aspects of music marketing. Music Marketing Manifesto teaches a fundamental marketing model, The Insider Circle is a mastermind group of musicians seeking ongoing learning and more hands on support, and the Music Ads Workshop is specifically focused on teaching you how to use Facebook Advertising to promote your music. While Music Marketing Manifesto and the Insider Circle both include some Facebook ad training, this workshop will be far more comprehensive and will cover strategies not covered in either program.

Exactly how do I access the training lessons?

The training lessons will be housed in a password protected members area which you will receive access to after ordering. Once you complete your purchase you will be redirected to a registration page. There, you will create a username and password. Once you have done that you will have access to everything. If you are already a member you can access the members area via the “login” link in the footer of every page of this site.

Who the heck is John Oszajca and what makes you qualified to teach this stuff?

Fair question, I, (John Oszajca), am a former major label recording artist turned music marketing consultant. I have released albums with Interscope, Warner Brothers, and Dreamy Draw Records, and have developed an online business that has generated millions of dollars in online sales. I was the marketing director behind the largest single day sales record in the history of CD Baby (Billy Burke’s album “Removed”, and more recently have helped several artists top numerous Billboard, iTunes, and Amazon sales charts. I have spent more than $200,000 on Facebook advertising, which has been a crucial part of my success as a musician, entrepreneur, and music marketing consultant. I will be sharing the same strategies I use, both for myself, and for other artists.

What kind of results do you guarantee?

In business, there simply are no guarantees. I am not selling a magic formula for instant profits. When you engage in paid advertising you should be aware that there is always a risk of loss, and you should go into it with this understanding. That said, what I will be sharing are the same strategies that I use on a daily bases and which have done very well for me and countless students and clients.

What if I don’t like the program? Can I get my money back?

Yep. While I feel extremely confident that you will find the material in this course to be well worth the price of registration, if for any reason you are unhappy with the workshop, you have 30 days to request a full refund. No questions asked. Just send in an email to support@musicmarketingmanifesto.com within 30 days of your order date and you’ll receive a complete refund.

What kind of support do you offer?

I pride my company on offering top notch customer support with prompt and friendly replies to all support requests. There is an interactive members area which allows you to ask questions below each lesson. You also have access to email support via the contact tab on every page of the site.

Have a question that wasn’t answered here?

Just send an email to john@musicmarketingmanifesto.com. I’m here to help 🙂